Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hot Wings

This is simple and quick recipe that I've been use to make hot wings. My husband's friend at work are really like it. So today I make another one for them

Ingredients :
1 Bag(3lb) chicken wings from frozen section
1 Medium Onion
3 Garlic
1 Jar (8 Oz) Sambal Oelek
Lime Leaf
2 Tsp Coriander Powder
Sugar to taste (you don't need salt since sambal oelek is already salted)

1. Bake/cook chicken wings as directed
2. Meanwhile mixed all ingredient except chicken and lime leaf in the food processor/magic bullet.
3. Cook the sauce and add lime leaf and sugar until fragrant
4. Mixed the cooked chicken with the sauce and cook some more for few minute


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