Strawberry Gelato Recipe – Gelato di Fragola
- 1 lb. fresh strawberries
- 12 oz. granulated sugar, about 1.5 cups
- 1.5 cup cold whipping cream
- 1.5 cup cold water
- dash of lemon juice (only if fruit isn’t “bright” enough)
- Clean and cut washed berries into quarters, or just smaller pieces.
- Put berries, sugar and water into a blender or food processor and blend until liquid and smooth. (This is also where you’ll add lemon juice if necessary.)
- Whip the cream until slightly thickened – like the consistency of buttermilk.
- Combine the cream with the strawberry mixture and mix thoroughly until blended.
- The mixture will lose a little of its sweetness when it goes through the freezing process, so if the finished product seems a bit too sweet to you, that’s a good thing.
- Freeze as indicated by the manufacturer of your ice cream maker.
Note : I don't have ice cream maker, so I just put all ingridients on my magic bullet and store in a freezer, check after 30 min, stir using back into freezer and check again after an hour.